Georgetown University Press, 2005. 400 p.
Originally published under the title Jerusalem Arabic, "Easte Arabic" is the gold standard for anyone beginning to lea the Arabic spoken by the Palestinians, or those who live in Syria or Lebanon.
The "Levantine" Arabic, or Jerusalem dialect, is a central Middle Easte dialect and recognized by Arabs virtually anywhere - in large part due to the Palestinian diaspora - and a good choice for anyone wishing to lea a base Arabic dialect. Easte Arabic, though originally produced more then 50 years ago, still provides the best introduction to the essential features and vocabulary of spoken Palestinian Arabic. Untill J.Elihay's "Speaking Arabic" is fully available, this work by Rice and Sa'id is a must for the English-speaking student of this dialect. The audio for the book was uploaded by dzeltens - here is the accompanying text.
Originally published under the title Jerusalem Arabic, "Easte Arabic" is the gold standard for anyone beginning to lea the Arabic spoken by the Palestinians, or those who live in Syria or Lebanon.
The "Levantine" Arabic, or Jerusalem dialect, is a central Middle Easte dialect and recognized by Arabs virtually anywhere - in large part due to the Palestinian diaspora - and a good choice for anyone wishing to lea a base Arabic dialect. Easte Arabic, though originally produced more then 50 years ago, still provides the best introduction to the essential features and vocabulary of spoken Palestinian Arabic. Untill J.Elihay's "Speaking Arabic" is fully available, this work by Rice and Sa'id is a must for the English-speaking student of this dialect. The audio for the book was uploaded by dzeltens - here is the accompanying text.