Самарский государственный технический университет, Самара,
преподаватель. Кочеткова Н.С., 12 слайдов, 2-й курс, 2010 г.
Дисциплина «Английский язык».
Relevance of the theme
Methods for development of heavy oil and bitumen deposits
Thermal-mining method
Weaknesses of thermal-mining recovery
Thermal-steam and steam-gas methods
Parameters determining the efficiency of thermal-steam and steam-gas methods
limits the effective application of thermal-steam and steam-gas methods
Methods for development of heavy oil and bitumen deposits
Thermal-mining method
Weaknesses of thermal-mining recovery
Thermal-steam and steam-gas methods
Parameters determining the efficiency of thermal-steam and steam-gas methods
limits the effective application of thermal-steam and steam-gas methods