Аналитическая химия
Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 03 марта 2011 г.
Rappoport Zvi. CRC Handbook of tables for organic compound identification
3rd ed. , 2000, CRC Press, 586 стр.
The present volume is a revised and enlarged third edition of the book formerly titled TABLES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Four new classes of compounds, i.e. , sulfonyl chlorides, sulfonamides, thiols and thioethers were added, bringing the number of classes included in the book to twenty-six. The tables of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, nitriles and sulfonic acids were all thoroughly revised and considerably enlarged. In all, the addition of 2400 compounds to the third edition, raised the total number of parent compounds in the book to over 8150.
Three tables containing the dissociation constants of more than 1050 phenols, organic acids and organic bases were added. Correlation charts for I.R. , Far I.R. and N.M.R. were also included.
Explanatory sections entitled "Explanations and References" precede the tables. In these sections the formulas of the derivatives and the full reaction equations for their preparation by the most important methods, together with some essential details and references to their preparations, are given. An index covering both the names and synonyms of the compounds was added at the end of the book.
An index listing the names of all tables and major subjects was also added.
The main objective of this book is to assist chemists in the identification of organic compounds. The organization of the compounds in classes according to increasing boiling points should also assist in the search for standard vapor phase chromatography work.
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