The work described in this thesis was performed at the
FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF), Kruislaan
407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It is part of the research
program of Priority Program MOLART (Molecular Aspects of Ageing in
Painted Art) of NWO (Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke
Onderzoek) and of the approved research program nr. 28 Mass
Spectrometry of Macromolecular systems of the Stichting voor
Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM).
General Introduction
Oil paint: developmental stages from an oil to a hard dry film
The effect of traditional processing methods of linseed oil on the composition of its triacylglycerols
Direct temperature resolved mass spectrometry of oil paint constituents and aged oil paints
Identification of non-cross-linked compounds in methanolic extracts of cured and aged linseed oil based paint films using GC/MS
Unwanted alkylation during direct methylation of fatty (di)acids using tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide reagent in a Curie-point pyrolysis unit
Determination of the degree of hydrolysis of oil paint samples using a two-step derivatisation method and on-column GC/MS
Studies on the composition and formation of bloom on primed canvas used by F. E. Church and on paints in works of art by F. Stella
General Introduction
Oil paint: developmental stages from an oil to a hard dry film
The effect of traditional processing methods of linseed oil on the composition of its triacylglycerols
Direct temperature resolved mass spectrometry of oil paint constituents and aged oil paints
Identification of non-cross-linked compounds in methanolic extracts of cured and aged linseed oil based paint films using GC/MS
Unwanted alkylation during direct methylation of fatty (di)acids using tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide reagent in a Curie-point pyrolysis unit
Determination of the degree of hydrolysis of oil paint samples using a two-step derivatisation method and on-column GC/MS
Studies on the composition and formation of bloom on primed canvas used by F. E. Church and on paints in works of art by F. Stella