Финансовая академия при Правительстве РФ, 2003г. Рабочая тетрадь по
микроэкономике на английском языке. Microeconomics work-books are
methodological materials designed to facilitate students’
self-study organization. Students are to use them at home, with the
most important problems, which are essential for the mastering of
the course material, being offered, at the teacher’s discretion,
for general class discussion. As a rule, this, first and foremost,
conces students’ essays. General checking of work-books may also
take place, as necessary. Students are recommended to approach
their teacher if they have any questions, or difficulties, or
disagree with the solutions suggested in work-books.
Each subject is covered in three sections. The first section - the Logic of the Course. The second section - tests. The third section - essay.
Each subject is covered in three sections. The first section - the Logic of the Course. The second section - tests. The third section - essay.