Учебное пособие для высших инженерных морских училищ. — М.: Высшая
школа, 1986. — 255 с.: илл.
Цель пособия — привить навыки чтения и понимания литературы по
специальности и ведения несложной беседы на темы, предусмотренные
программой. В пособии использованы материалы оригинальной
технической литературы на английском языке по судовым
энергетическим установкам, их системам автоматического
регулирования и охране окружающей среды.
В качестве дополнения приложен файл с полным переводом текстов на русский язык. Предисловие
Refrigerating Plants
Cycle of Operation
Instructions for operation
Texts for reading Auxiliaries
Vertical Centrifugal Pump
Instructions for operation and maintenance
Texts for reading Boilers
Boiler Design
The Fuace
Boiler Parts (superheater, economizer)
Tanker’s Machinery
Instructions for operation and maintenance
Texts for reading Turbines
Steam Turbines
Turbine Parts
Reduction Gears and Couplings
Instructions for operation
Under Way and Shutting-Down
Gas Turbines
Texts for reading Diesel Engines
Cycles of Diesel Engines
Fuel System
Centrifugal Separator
Cooling System
Lubricating System
Instructions on Diesel Engine Operation
Preparations for Starting the Engine
Manoeuvring the Ship and Under Way
Operating Troubles in General
Texts for reading Marine Power Plant Automation
Bridge Control System for Main Diesel Engines
Steam Turbine Goveing System
Pneumatic Automatic Boiler Level Control
Texts for reading Environmental Control
Marine Pollution
Texts for reading
Sewage and Waste
В качестве дополнения приложен файл с полным переводом текстов на русский язык. Предисловие
Refrigerating Plants
Cycle of Operation
Instructions for operation
Texts for reading Auxiliaries
Vertical Centrifugal Pump
Instructions for operation and maintenance
Texts for reading Boilers
Boiler Design
The Fuace
Boiler Parts (superheater, economizer)
Tanker’s Machinery
Instructions for operation and maintenance
Texts for reading Turbines
Steam Turbines
Turbine Parts
Reduction Gears and Couplings
Instructions for operation
Under Way and Shutting-Down
Gas Turbines
Texts for reading Diesel Engines
Cycles of Diesel Engines
Fuel System
Centrifugal Separator
Cooling System
Lubricating System
Instructions on Diesel Engine Operation
Preparations for Starting the Engine
Manoeuvring the Ship and Under Way
Operating Troubles in General
Texts for reading Marine Power Plant Automation
Bridge Control System for Main Diesel Engines
Steam Turbine Goveing System
Pneumatic Automatic Boiler Level Control
Texts for reading Environmental Control
Marine Pollution
Texts for reading
Sewage and Waste