2nd edition. — The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2009.
— 760 p.
Данная огромная и редкая книга посвящена нанохимии и аспектам
получения и превращения различных наноматериалов. Качество
оставляет желать лучшего - т.к., видимо, сложно сканировать такую
Nanochemistry basics
Chemical Patteing and Lithography
Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly
Nanocontact Printing and Wrtinig - Stamps and Tips
Nanorod, Nanotube, Nanowire Self-Assembly
Nanocrystal Synthesis and Self-Assembly
Microspheres - Colors from the Beaker
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials from Soft Building Blocks
Self-Assembling Block Copolymers
Biomaterials and Bioinspiration
Self-Assembly of Large Building Blocks
Nano and Beyond
Nanochemistry Nanolabs
Chemical Patteing and Lithography
Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly
Nanocontact Printing and Wrtinig - Stamps and Tips
Nanorod, Nanotube, Nanowire Self-Assembly
Nanocrystal Synthesis and Self-Assembly
Microspheres - Colors from the Beaker
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials from Soft Building Blocks
Self-Assembling Block Copolymers
Biomaterials and Bioinspiration
Self-Assembly of Large Building Blocks
Nano and Beyond
Nanochemistry Nanolabs