Харків: ХНАМГ, 2007. – 62 с. Для студентів 1-2 курсів за
спеціальностями 6.090600 «Електротехнічні системи
електроспоживання», 6.090600 «Світлотехніка і джерела світла».
These tests are designed to provide essential practice for students
specializing in Electrical Engineering Systems of Power
Consumption, Lighting Engineering and Sources of Light.
They include:
* 10 complete Practice Tests on the above-mentioned specialities
* a variety of stimulating texts. When teachers use texts for reading, they are often too conceed with what was written at the expense of how. Reading in any language is an affective as well as a cognitive process. The teacher’s role is not that of corrector or judge, but rather that of enabler. The teacher assists with language, error, but should not replace the student’s perceptions with his or her own.
They include:
* 10 complete Practice Tests on the above-mentioned specialities
* a variety of stimulating texts. When teachers use texts for reading, they are often too conceed with what was written at the expense of how. Reading in any language is an affective as well as a cognitive process. The teacher’s role is not that of corrector or judge, but rather that of enabler. The teacher assists with language, error, but should not replace the student’s perceptions with his or her own.