Penton Overseas Inc. , 1999.
Детские веселые песенки для обучения итальянскому языку. Каждая
строчка песни исполняется сначала на английском, а затем на
итальянском. Для обучения достаточно минимального знания
английского. Темы песен: алфавит, числа, названия животных, «С днем
рождения! », дни недели и т. п.
This course is a great leaing tool for children of ALL ages. It
teaches through song, simple things such as the alphabet, going
shopping, etc. I can't think of a better way to lea, than through
music because it make it fun for both child and parent. We listen
to it while driving so the errands don't seem so long. Another
great thing about the cassette is that there are children singing,
so children are able to capture the excitement. All songs are sung
in English and Italian. Simply wonderful.