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  • добавлен 30 ноября 2011 г.
Lin B.J. Optical Lithography: Here is Why
SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers): 2010. (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM190). - 300 pp.
This book is aimed at new and experienced engineers, technology managers, and senior technicians who want to enrich their understanding of the image formation physics of a lithographic system. Readers will gain knowledge of the basic equations and constants that drive optical lithography, lea the basics of exposure systems and image formation, and come away with a full understanding of system components, processing, and optimization. Readers will also get a primer on the outlook of optical lithography and the many next-generation technologies that may greatly enhance semiconductor manufacturing in the near future.
Topics include:
- Exposure Systems.
- Image Formation.
- The Metrics of Lithography.
- Components in Optical Lithography.
- Processing and Optimization.
- Immersion Lithography.
- Outlook and Successors for Optical Lithography.
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