Роман М.Ю. Лермонтова «Герой нашего времени» на английском языке. —
Сетевая публикация, 2008 — 164 с.: ил.
This complete e-text is based on the translation from the Russian
into English by Martin Parker, published by Progress Publishers,
Moscow, 1947, 1951, in the public domain in the United States of
America. (A translation that has also been reprinted by but not
copyrighted by the Everyman Library, 1995, revised and edited by
Neil Cowell, University of Bristol, ISBN 0-660-87566-3)
Illustrations are from the Moscow edition. We have extensively
modified the Parker translation here, mostly by attempting to
render it into mode American English and at the same time to
restore what we consider the most likely original meaning.