Підручник — К. : Центр учбової літератури, 2014. — 480 с.
Пропонований підручник призначений для студентів старших курсів
вищих навчальних закладів, що спеціалізуються у галузі економічних
наук, а також фахівців, які прагнуть вдосконалити власні навички і
вміння перекладу економічної літератури та рівень свого фахового
мовлення. Мета підручника – допомогти студентам (та/або фахівцям)
не лише вдосконалити навички комунікативної компетенції, а й
отримати спеціальні знання з використання іноземної мови
(англійської) у своїй професійній діяльності.
Foreword The nature & methods of economics
What Economics Is?
The Economic Organization of Society
Economic Systems
Individual Markets: Supply & Demand
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 1) Microeconomics: measurement&basic concepts
Consumer Demand
Supply Decisions
Market Structure. Perfect Competition
Labor Market
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 2) Macroeconomics: measurement & basic concepts
Economic Growth and Business Cycles
What Unemployment Is?
Surpluses, Deficits, and Debt
Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 3) Module: Inteational economics & global business today
What Globalization Is?
Country Differences (in Economic Development)
Inteational Trade Theory
Regional Economic Integration
Ukraine’s World Economic Integration
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 4) Answer Keys
Grammar Reference Appendices
The Language of Graphs
History of Exchange Rate Systems
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (Extract)
North American Free Trade Agreement (Extract)
EU–Ukraine Association Agreement: Guide to a Deep & Comprehensive Free Trade Area (Overview)
Glossary of Some Common Economic Terms & Definitions
Colloquial Glossary
English-Ukrainian Glossary of Economic Terminology
Ukrainian-English Glossary of Economic Terminology Reference List
Foreword The nature & methods of economics
What Economics Is?
The Economic Organization of Society
Economic Systems
Individual Markets: Supply & Demand
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 1) Microeconomics: measurement&basic concepts
Consumer Demand
Supply Decisions
Market Structure. Perfect Competition
Labor Market
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 2) Macroeconomics: measurement & basic concepts
Economic Growth and Business Cycles
What Unemployment Is?
Surpluses, Deficits, and Debt
Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 3) Module: Inteational economics & global business today
What Globalization Is?
Country Differences (in Economic Development)
Inteational Trade Theory
Regional Economic Integration
Ukraine’s World Economic Integration
Module: Self-Assessments (Module 4) Answer Keys
Grammar Reference Appendices
The Language of Graphs
History of Exchange Rate Systems
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (Extract)
North American Free Trade Agreement (Extract)
EU–Ukraine Association Agreement: Guide to a Deep & Comprehensive Free Trade Area (Overview)
Glossary of Some Common Economic Terms & Definitions
Colloquial Glossary
English-Ukrainian Glossary of Economic Terminology
Ukrainian-English Glossary of Economic Terminology Reference List