Учебное пособие. Москва, 2006г. 291 страница.
types of persons. individuals. legal entities (corporations). founding documents
founding documents (charter of the company: name and location; legal status; objects and activities)
founding documents (charter capital and shares; rights of shareholders; dividends and liquidation value; bonds and other securities of the company)
founding documents (company’s funds)
corporate goveance; general meeting of shareholders
corporate goveance; board of directors
corporate goveance
corporate goveance (management in general partnership and limited liability company)
latin abbreviations and expressions commonly used in legal context
the right of ownership and other rights in rem
contract law
contract law (form of subscription agreement)
contract law (lease agreement)
contract law (loan agreement)
types of security. pledge.
auxiliary legal instruments.
types of persons. individuals. legal entities (corporations). founding documents
founding documents (charter of the company: name and location; legal status; objects and activities)
founding documents (charter capital and shares; rights of shareholders; dividends and liquidation value; bonds and other securities of the company)
founding documents (company’s funds)
corporate goveance; general meeting of shareholders
corporate goveance; board of directors
corporate goveance
corporate goveance (management in general partnership and limited liability company)
latin abbreviations and expressions commonly used in legal context
the right of ownership and other rights in rem
contract law
contract law (form of subscription agreement)
contract law (lease agreement)
contract law (loan agreement)
types of security. pledge.
auxiliary legal instruments.