Для студ. истор. фак. - Брест: Изд-во БрГУ, 2006. - 39 с.
Методические рекомендации ставят своей целью выработать у студентов
сознательное отношение к чтению профессионально ориентированных
текстов, способствовать развитию умений и навыков различных видов
чтения. Рассчитаны для второго этапа изучения английского
Предназначены для студентов исторического факультета. From the History of Britain
The Story of the Norsemen
Exploring and Settling the New World
Who Was Columbus?
The Discovery of Canada
Expedition to the Pacific
Russian Explorers of North-Weste America
Robin Mood Reality or Myth?
Terra Nova
The Greal Bell of Bosham
What Do You Know about Religion?
Education in the Ancient World
Egyptian Pyramids
From the History of Human Dwellings
History of Land Transport
The First Voyage Round the World
The Mayflower
The Brooklyn Bridge
The Biggest Diamonds in the World
Heinrich Schlieman
Предназначены для студентов исторического факультета. From the History of Britain
The Story of the Norsemen
Exploring and Settling the New World
Who Was Columbus?
The Discovery of Canada
Expedition to the Pacific
Russian Explorers of North-Weste America
Robin Mood Reality or Myth?
Terra Nova
The Greal Bell of Bosham
What Do You Know about Religion?
Education in the Ancient World
Egyptian Pyramids
From the History of Human Dwellings
History of Land Transport
The First Voyage Round the World
The Mayflower
The Brooklyn Bridge
The Biggest Diamonds in the World
Heinrich Schlieman