Tuttle Publishing, 2015. — 160 p . — ISBN 978-0-8048-4374-4
Как утверждает автор этой книги , в боевых искусствах помимо
обретения общей выносливости и силы организма есть особая
притягательность , позволяющая изменять не только тело , но и наше
сознание и , что самое главное , наше отношение к жизни. Изменяя
себя, мы изменяем мир - и это так. Представлен набор физических
упражнений и приемов самообороны . "There's something to martial
arts and especially the way Grandmaster Kang teaches it that
addresses not just the body and fitness , but addresses the mind
and addresses your approach to life ." — from the foreword by
Michael Imperioli , award-winning actor
In Black Belt Fitness for Life , Grandmaster Tae Sun Kang applies
his four decades of experience to guide you through an innovative
method of fitness using Taekwondo principles . Whether you're a
beginner or veteran to stretching and exercise , you can easily
follow Grandmaster Kang's 7-week routine based on the belt system
of Taekwondo, an ancient Korean martial art . With each week of the
regimen, you will lea new skills and techniques that culminate in
mastery of the techniques necessary to continue exercising and
eating right for life .
Through the use of Taekwondo stretches and movements , this black
belt "Combined Dynamic Stretching" method will improve your
flexibility and balance , stamina and strength , as well as your
focus and mental health . You'll stretch multiple parts of your
body at the same time , improving circulation and building mental
strength while warming up to minimize injuries . As part of his
holistic approach to health and fitness , Grandmaster Kang also
outlines an eating plan designed to help you lose weight naturally
. Unlike extreme diets and workouts that emphasize drastic results
quickly , the Grandmaster's approach is a balanced , easy - to -
follow , and — most importantly — realistic plan designed for your
life .
Friend and longtime student of Grandmaster Kang , actor Michael
Imperioli wrote the foreword for the book and shares his experience
in training under Grandmaste r, as well as the benefits he has
received in following Grandmaster's philosophy .
Note : MY nickname - interes
Note : MY nickname - interes