Электромагнитная совместимость радиоэлектронных средств (ЭМС РЭС)
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  • добавлен 03 декабря 2011 г.
Kaiser K.L. Electrostatic Discharge
CRC Press, 2005, 344 pages

In chapters culled from the popular and critically acclaimed Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook, Electrostatic Discharge provides a tightly focused, convenient, and affordable reference for those interested primarily in this subset of topics. Author Kenneth L. Kaiser demystifies electrostatic discharge and explains the source and limitations of the approximations, guidelines, models, and rules-of-thumb used in this field. The material is presented in a unique question-and-answer format that gets straight to the heart of each topic. The book includes numerous examples and uses Mathcad to generate all of the figures and many solutions to equations. In many cases, the entire Mathcad program is provided.

Air Breakdown
Breakdown Voltage
Glows, Arcs, Coronas, and Sparks
Nonuniform Fields and Time-Varying Arc
Ideal Switching of Simple Loads
Ideal Switching of Complex Loads
Switching and Breakdown
Showering Arc
Speed of Switching
Suppressing the Breakdown
Switch Network Example
Arc Suppression with Resistive Loads
Arc Suppression with Capacitive Loads
Arc Suppression with Inductive Loads
Sparking at Very Low Voltages?
Switch Corrosion and Erosion
Maximum Electric Field and Breakdown Table
Minimum Corona Voltage
Voltage Rating of Coax
Solutions to Poisson’s Equation
Arcing in a Silo
All of the Electric Field Boundary Conditions
Powder Bed
The Field from Corona

Principles and Applications
What Is ESD?
Methods of Charging
Triboelectric Series
Voltage and Current Responses
Sources of Current
Rate of Charge Decay
Maximum Surface Charge before Breakdown
Grounded Conducting Objects and Charged Insulating Surfaces
Charge Accumulation along Interfaces
Convection Charge Flow
Potential of an Insulator’s Surface
Electric Field from Simple Charge Distributions
Electric Field from Other Charge Distributions
Discharges Classified
Minimum Ignition Energy
Electrostatic Hazard Case Studies
Measuring Charge
Measuring the Electric Field
Measuring Voltage
Measuring Bulk and Surface Resistivity
Maximum Body Voltage and Typical Capacitances
RLC Discharge Model
ESD Rules-of-Thumb and Guidelines
Raindrop Bursts, P-Static, and Corona Noise
Locating Weaknesses with a Zapper
Surround, Ground, and Impound
Wrist and Ankle Straps
Floor Coatings
Pink, Black, and Shielded Bags
Static-Dissipative Work Surfaces
Sugar Charge Decay
Capacitance Measurement for Multiple Conductors
Energy and Capacitance
Capacitance Formula
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