Scott Gravina. 2010. Stereo. Bitrate 64 kb/s.
Аудиокурс разговорного палестинского диалекта арабского языка с
учебником. Данный файл содержит вторую часть (из двух) архива
звукозаписей. Необходимо скачать обе части архива и разархивировать
их вместе.
'Colloquial Palestinian Arabic' is a rich exploration of language
and culture designed to provide students with the tools they need
to succeed in leaing the spoken dialect of Palestine and the
surrounding region. By focusing on the Palestinian dialect,
students will find that they are able to acquire the necessary
skills to effectively communicate in Arabic not only in Palestine
but throughout the Middle East and around the globe.
Designed specifically for non-native speakers, 'Colloquial
Palestinian Arabic' provides an essential foundation in spoken
Arabic by focusing on the structure, pronunciation, vocabulary,
culture, grammar, and daily use of the language. With this exciting
new program students will broaden their horizons, acquire new
skills, and gain invaluable insight that will further prepare them
to become global citizens.
Before using 'Colloquial Palestinian Arabic', students should have
a working knowledge of Mode Standard Arabic. Since the majority
of the material in the book is presented in Arabic (grammar
explanations and some cultural references are given in English to
ensure student comprehension), it is suggested that students have
previously completed at least three semesters of Arabic and have a
general understanding of the written language. Recognizing the
difficulties that the pronunciation of written Arabic may present
to the non-native speaker, the Arabic in this book has been
vocalized (vowelled) to provide a phonetic guide that gives
students the tools they need to successfully comprehend and
replicate the correct sounds of Palestinian Arabic.