Lahore: Iqbal Akademi Pakistan. — 288 p. (in Urdu)
This was Iqbal's first book as treatise on economics and one of the
earliest Urdu books on the subject. It was written at the behest of
his teacher, Thomas Aold.
He defines economics and discusses its relationship with other disciplines, confronting issues such as equitable growth, the distribution of wealth, spending, consumption and population. He reveals here his preoccupation with social issues, discussing for instance the importance of education in improving the adaptability and confidence of workers and the need to discourage polygamy and teenage marriages to control population.
He defines economics and discusses its relationship with other disciplines, confronting issues such as equitable growth, the distribution of wealth, spending, consumption and population. He reveals here his preoccupation with social issues, discussing for instance the importance of education in improving the adaptability and confidence of workers and the need to discourage polygamy and teenage marriages to control population.