1979, 101 P.
The notes contained within were prepared in conjunction with a set of lectures delivered during the fall of 1978 at The Solid Mechanics Department of the Technical University of Denmark under the auspices of the Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Starting more or less from scratch in the subject, but assuming at least a limited knowledge of plasticity. I have tried to bring the reader right up to some of the topics of current interest, from both engineering and research points of view. The section headings are listed on the next page.
The notes contained within were prepared in conjunction with a set of lectures delivered during the fall of 1978 at The Solid Mechanics Department of the Technical University of Denmark under the auspices of the Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Starting more or less from scratch in the subject, but assuming at least a limited knowledge of plasticity. I have tried to bring the reader right up to some of the topics of current interest, from both engineering and research points of view. The section headings are listed on the next page.