Харків: ХНАМГ, 2007 – 71с. Для студентів 1-2 курсу денної форми
навчання за спеціальністю 6.120100 Архітектура.
The course is designed for the students of non-language higher
educational institutions studying architecture. It consists of nine
units and is expected to be covered during practical classes.
Each unit consists of
- an authentic selected for reading, translation and study in class with the supervisor and one’s own;
- vocabulary according to the topic. Architectural terms are mostly taken from the text;
- additional texts for reading. The purpose of the course is to teach students working at English texts on their own and to increase the level of their knowledge.
- an authentic selected for reading, translation and study in class with the supervisor and one’s own;
- vocabulary according to the topic. Architectural terms are mostly taken from the text;
- additional texts for reading. The purpose of the course is to teach students working at English texts on their own and to increase the level of their knowledge.