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Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 07 ноября 2011 г.
Gardiner F., Carter E. (Eds.) Polymer Electronics - A Flexible Technology
ISmithers Rapra Publishing, 2009, 142 pages

'The worldwide market for polymer electronic products has been estimated to be worth up to ?15 billion by 2015 and the opportunity for new markets could be as high as ?125 billion by

The rapid development of polymer electronics has revealed the possibility for transforming the electronics market by offering lighter, flexible and more cost effective alteatives to conventional materials and products. With applications ranging from printed, flexible conductors and novel semiconductor components to intelligent labels and large area displays and solar panels, products that were previously unimaginable are now beginning to be commercialised.

Polymer Electronics - A Flexible Technology is designed to inform researchers, material suppliers, component fabricators and electronics manufacturers of the latest research and developments in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field.

This authoritative book is written by a number of authors all of whom work for companies at the cutting edge of these new technologies and will prove to be a valuable reference to all involved in this field.
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