Высокомолекулярные соединения
Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 23 мая 2010 г.
Fried J.R. Polymer Science and Technology. (Фрид Дж.Р. Химия и технология полимеров)
2nd ed. – New Jersey, Prentice Hall PTR, 1995. – 509 p.
Introduction to polymer science.
The synthesis of high polymers.
Solution properties, thermodynamics, and molecular-weight determination.
The solid-state properties of polymers.
Viscoelasticity and rubber elasticity.
Degradation, stadility, and environmental issues.
Polymer additives. Blends, and composites.
Commodity thermoplastics and fibers.
Network polymers: elastomers and tuermosets.
Engineering and specialty polymers.
Polymer processing and rheology.
Applications for polymers in separations, biotechnology, and electronics.
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