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Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 06 апреля 2011 г.
Crompton T.R. Polymer Reference Book
First Published in 2006 by Rapra Technology Limited. Shawbury, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 4NR, UK. ISBN: 098-1-84735-025-1

Determination of Metals
Non-metallic Elements
Functional Groups and Polymer Structure
Examination of Polymer Surfaces and Defects
Volatiles and Water
Fingerprinting Techniques
Polymer Additives
Polymer Fractionation and Molecular Weight
Thermal and Chemical Stability
Monitoring of Resin Cure
Oxidative Stability
Examination of Photopolymers
Glass Transition and Other Transitions
Viscoelastic and Rheological Properties
Thermal Properties
Flammability Testing
Mechanical, Electrical, and Optical Properties
Miscellaneous Physical and Chemical Properties
Additive Migration from Packaged Commodities
Instrument Suppliers
Thermal Properties of Polymers
Mechanical Properties of Polymers
Physical Testing of Polymer Powders
Electrical Properties of Polymers
Optical Properties of Polymers
Physical Testing of Rubbers and Elastomers
Polymer Flammability Properties
Addresses of Suppliers
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