Audible. 2015. MP3 / 56 Kbps / Duration: 08:36:00
Выучите итальянский, используя знание испанского или выучите оба
языка сразу. Пояснения и текст звучат сначала на английском, потом
текст повторяется на испанском и, наконец, на итальянском. 8 часов
Lea to speak Italian using Spanish as a launching pad, or simply
lea both Spanish and Italian at the same time!
At last, a truly creative language program that teaches you to
speak and understand authentic Italian by using Spanish. First you
hear the English, next you hear the Spanish, and then you hear the
Italian. Now you can lea to speak Italian by using Spanish as a
launchpad, or you can even lea to speak Spanish and Italian at
the same time.