Адаптированная аудиокнига на итальянском языке. Детектив/Giallo.
Livello B1. CIDEB De Agostini. 2008. ISBN-10: 8853007877. ISBN-13:
978-8853007872. Формат mp3. 320 кбит/сек. Общее время звучания -
43.33 минуты. In a village on Lake Maggiore Andrea’s retu from
Australia and the wedding of his niece, Paolo, is being celebrated.
The enjoyment of the moment is soon to tu into anguish. An
unexplainable murder is about to be committed during the wedding
reception and it is followed shortly after by another mysterious
death. A brilliant marshal of the Carabinieri finds himself
involved in a complicated case; the solution of which is kept in
the trunk of an old elm tree.