Washington, D.C.: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2009
- 815 p.
Язык: английский.
Это часть от общего числа сборников (compendia):
Front MatterExcipients.
General NoticesUSPNF.
General ChaptersChapter chartsGeneral tests and assays.
General requirements for tests and assays.
Apparatus for tests and assays.
Microbiological tests.
Biological tests and assays.
Chemical tests and assays.
Physical tests and determinations.
General information.
Dietary supplements ChaptersDietary supplements.
Язык: английский.
Это часть от общего числа сборников (compendia):
Front MatterExcipients.
General NoticesUSPNF.
General ChaptersChapter chartsGeneral tests and assays.
General requirements for tests and assays.
Apparatus for tests and assays.
Microbiological tests.
Biological tests and assays.
Chemical tests and assays.
Physical tests and determinations.
General information.
Dietary supplements ChaptersDietary supplements.