Учебное пособие для самостоятельной работы студентов. - Красноярск:
СФУ, 2008. - 111с.
(«Книга для чтения»). Творческий коллектив: Ершова Е.О., Кожевникова М.А.
The theory: Definition of management. Scientific management.
The text for reading: Production and operations management.
The theory: The main levels of management. Managerial functions. Company structures. Total quality management (TQM). Quality. Management styles. Leadership and management. Leadership powers. Leadership models.The text for reading: The board of directors.
The theory: Motivation theory. Herzberg’s «motivation – hygiene» theory. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. David McClelland (human motivation theory). David McClelland (human motivation theory continued). Herzberg’s motivators and hygiene factors. McGregor’s XY theory. Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory continued. Elton Mayo’s Hawtho experiments.Training.
The theory: Organisational culture.
The theory: Recruitment methods.
The theory: Management across cultures.The texts for reading: Russian workers and American managers. Faberge jewelry: a long Russian history. KFC’S recipe for g1oba1 success.
The theory:Definition of marketing. Marketing and marketing environment. The marketing concept. Porters fives forces model: Industry analysis model.
The theory: Marketing tactics. Environmental marketing mix. Selecting your customers. Targeting. Positioning. Marketing Plans. Structure of a typical marketing plan. Competitor strategies. Michael porters generic strategies. Ansoffs matrix. SWOT Analysis. Boston Consultancy Group (BCG Matrix)
Texts for reading: Marketing and sales. Market segmentation. Market forecasting. Industrial marketing. Market potential. Market testing.
The theory: Marketing research and new product development. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Consumer goods classification. Product life cycle. Diffusion of innovation. New product development. Concept of benefit building with a product. Service marketing. Branding.
The text for reading: Product lines.
The theory: Definition of price. Setting and measuring prices. Price trends in American history. Price war.The definition of price stability. Reactions to price challenges. Price stickiness. The prisoner’s dilemma The text for reading:Pricing.
The theory: Distribution. Distribution Strategies. E-Marketing Mix. Personal selling. Direct marketing.
Text for reading: Personal selling.
The theory: Promotion strategies. Advertising. Managing your customers. Consumer buying behavior. Factors influencing the behaviour of buyers. Types of buying behavior. Customer relationship marketing (CRM). Ladder of customer loyalty. Benefits of relationship marketing.
The theory:Business ethics. General business ethics. Ethics of economic system.
Corporate ethics policies.
Additional texts
The theory:Inteational marketing. Market entry methods. Entering global markets. Trading overseas. The Inteational marketing mix. The text for reading:Industrial relations.
(«Книга для чтения»). Творческий коллектив: Ершова Е.О., Кожевникова М.А.
The theory: Definition of management. Scientific management.
The text for reading: Production and operations management.
The theory: The main levels of management. Managerial functions. Company structures. Total quality management (TQM). Quality. Management styles. Leadership and management. Leadership powers. Leadership models.The text for reading: The board of directors.
The theory: Motivation theory. Herzberg’s «motivation – hygiene» theory. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. David McClelland (human motivation theory). David McClelland (human motivation theory continued). Herzberg’s motivators and hygiene factors. McGregor’s XY theory. Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory continued. Elton Mayo’s Hawtho experiments.Training.
The theory: Organisational culture.
The theory: Recruitment methods.
The theory: Management across cultures.The texts for reading: Russian workers and American managers. Faberge jewelry: a long Russian history. KFC’S recipe for g1oba1 success.
The theory:Definition of marketing. Marketing and marketing environment. The marketing concept. Porters fives forces model: Industry analysis model.
The theory: Marketing tactics. Environmental marketing mix. Selecting your customers. Targeting. Positioning. Marketing Plans. Structure of a typical marketing plan. Competitor strategies. Michael porters generic strategies. Ansoffs matrix. SWOT Analysis. Boston Consultancy Group (BCG Matrix)
Texts for reading: Marketing and sales. Market segmentation. Market forecasting. Industrial marketing. Market potential. Market testing.
The theory: Marketing research and new product development. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Consumer goods classification. Product life cycle. Diffusion of innovation. New product development. Concept of benefit building with a product. Service marketing. Branding.
The text for reading: Product lines.
The theory: Definition of price. Setting and measuring prices. Price trends in American history. Price war.The definition of price stability. Reactions to price challenges. Price stickiness. The prisoner’s dilemma The text for reading:Pricing.
The theory: Distribution. Distribution Strategies. E-Marketing Mix. Personal selling. Direct marketing.
Text for reading: Personal selling.
The theory: Promotion strategies. Advertising. Managing your customers. Consumer buying behavior. Factors influencing the behaviour of buyers. Types of buying behavior. Customer relationship marketing (CRM). Ladder of customer loyalty. Benefits of relationship marketing.
The theory:Business ethics. General business ethics. Ethics of economic system.
Corporate ethics policies.
Additional texts
The theory:Inteational marketing. Market entry methods. Entering global markets. Trading overseas. The Inteational marketing mix. The text for reading:Industrial relations.