Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. 2011.
ISBN 978-953-307-724-6.
528 p.
"Environmental Monitoring" is a book designed by InTech - Open Access Publisher in collaboration with scientists and researchers from all over the world. The book is designed to present recent research advances and developments in the field of environmental monitoring to a global audience of scientists, researchers, environmental educators, administrators, managers, technicians, students, environmental enthusiasts and the general public. The book consists of a series of sections and chapters addressing topics like the monitoring of heavy metal contaminants in varied environments, biolgical monitoring/ecotoxicological studies; and the use of wireless sensor networks/Geosensor webs in environmental monitoring.
Analysis of environmental samples with yeast-based bioluminescent bioreporters.
Physical mechanisms of poisoning the living organism by heavy metals.
Histological biomarker as diagnostic tool for evaluating the environmental quality of Guajara? Bay – PA - Brazil.
Real-time in situ measurements of industrial hazardous gas concentrations and their emission gross.
Geochemical application for environmental monitoring and metal mining management.
Determination of fluoride and chloride contents in drinking water by ion selective electrode.
Environmental background radiation monitoring utilizing passive solid sate dosimeters.
PILS: low-cost water-level monitoring.
An innovative approach to biological monitoring using wildlife.
Public involvement as an element in designing environmental monitoring programs.
Monitoring lake ecosystems using integrated remote sensing / GIS techniques: an assessment in the region of west Macedonia, Greece.
Landscape environmental monitoring: sample based versus complete mapping approaches in aerial photographs.
Real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds in hazardous sites.
Land degradation of the Mau forest complex in Easte Africa: a review for management and restoration planning.
Concepts for environmental radioactive air sampling and monitoring.
Multisyringe flow injection analysis for environmental monitoring: applications and recent trends.
Photopolymerizable materials in biosensorics.
Visual detection of change points and trends using animated bubble charts.
Environmental monitoring of opportunistic protozoa in rivers and lakes: relevance to public health in the neotropics.
Biosensor arrays for environmental monitoring.
Environmental monitoring supported by the regional network infrastructures.
ICT for water efficiency.
Monitoring information systems to support adaptive water management.
Autonomous decentralized control scheme for long-term operation of large scale and dense wireless sensor networks with multiple sinks.
Collaborative environmental monitoring with hierarchical wireless sensor networks.
Environmental monitoring WSN.
Standardised geo-sensor webs for integrated urban air quality monitoring.
528 p.
"Environmental Monitoring" is a book designed by InTech - Open Access Publisher in collaboration with scientists and researchers from all over the world. The book is designed to present recent research advances and developments in the field of environmental monitoring to a global audience of scientists, researchers, environmental educators, administrators, managers, technicians, students, environmental enthusiasts and the general public. The book consists of a series of sections and chapters addressing topics like the monitoring of heavy metal contaminants in varied environments, biolgical monitoring/ecotoxicological studies; and the use of wireless sensor networks/Geosensor webs in environmental monitoring.
Analysis of environmental samples with yeast-based bioluminescent bioreporters.
Physical mechanisms of poisoning the living organism by heavy metals.
Histological biomarker as diagnostic tool for evaluating the environmental quality of Guajara? Bay – PA - Brazil.
Real-time in situ measurements of industrial hazardous gas concentrations and their emission gross.
Geochemical application for environmental monitoring and metal mining management.
Determination of fluoride and chloride contents in drinking water by ion selective electrode.
Environmental background radiation monitoring utilizing passive solid sate dosimeters.
PILS: low-cost water-level monitoring.
An innovative approach to biological monitoring using wildlife.
Public involvement as an element in designing environmental monitoring programs.
Monitoring lake ecosystems using integrated remote sensing / GIS techniques: an assessment in the region of west Macedonia, Greece.
Landscape environmental monitoring: sample based versus complete mapping approaches in aerial photographs.
Real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds in hazardous sites.
Land degradation of the Mau forest complex in Easte Africa: a review for management and restoration planning.
Concepts for environmental radioactive air sampling and monitoring.
Multisyringe flow injection analysis for environmental monitoring: applications and recent trends.
Photopolymerizable materials in biosensorics.
Visual detection of change points and trends using animated bubble charts.
Environmental monitoring of opportunistic protozoa in rivers and lakes: relevance to public health in the neotropics.
Biosensor arrays for environmental monitoring.
Environmental monitoring supported by the regional network infrastructures.
ICT for water efficiency.
Monitoring information systems to support adaptive water management.
Autonomous decentralized control scheme for long-term operation of large scale and dense wireless sensor networks with multiple sinks.
Collaborative environmental monitoring with hierarchical wireless sensor networks.
Environmental monitoring WSN.
Standardised geo-sensor webs for integrated urban air quality monitoring.