VI Contents
Chapter 7 Determination of Fluoride and Chloride
Contents in Drinking Water by Ion Selective Electrode 109
Amra Bratovcic and Amra Odobasic
Chapter 8 Environmental Background Radiation
Monitoring Utilizing Passive Solid Sate Dosimeters 121
Hidehito Nanto, Yoshinori Takei and Yuka Miyamoto
Chapter 9 PILS: Low-Cost Water-Level Monitoring 137
Samuel Russ, Bret Webb, Jon Holifield and Justin Walker
Chapter 10 An Innovative Approach to
Biological Monitoring Using Wildlife 157
Mariko Mochizuki, Chihiro Kaitsuka,
Makoto Mori, Ryo Hondo and Fukiko Ueda
Chapter 11 Public Involvement as an Element in
Designing Environmental Monitoring Programs 169
William T. Hartwell and David S. Shafer
Chapter 12 Monitoring Lake
Ecosystems Using Integrated Remote
Sensing / Gis Techniques: An Assessment
in the Region of West Macedonia, Greece 185
Stefouli Marianthi, Charou Eleni and Katsimpra Eleni
Chapter 13 Landscape Environmental
Monitoring: Sample Based Versus Complete
Mapping Approaches in Aerial Photographs 205
Habib Ramezani, Johan Svensson and Per-Anders Esseen
Chapter 14 Real-Time Monitoring of Volatile
Organic Compounds in Hazardous Sites 219
Gianfranco Manes, Giovanni Collodi, Rosanna Fusco,
Leonardo Gelpi, Antonio Manes and Davide Di Palma
Chapter 15 Land Degradation of the Mau
Forest Complex in Eastern Africa:
A Review for Management and Restoration Planning 245
Luke Omondi Olang and Peter Musula Kundu
Chapter 16 Concepts for Environmental
Radioactive Air Sampling and Monitoring 263
J. Matthew Barnett
Chapter 17 Multisyringe Flow
Injection Analysis for Environmental
Monitoring: Applications and Recent Trends 283
Marcela A. Segundo, M. Inês G. S. Almeida and Hugo M. Oliveira