М.: Воениздат, 1972. — 656 с.
Учебник охватывает следующую тематику по вооруженным силам США:
виды вооружённых сил и рода войск и их вооружение, боевое
обеспечение войск, наступление и оборона, служба тыла, штабы и
штабные документы, топография. Учебник разбит на уроки, каждый из
которых содержит текст, речевые и переводческие упражнения.
Учебник предназначен для слушателей военно-учебных заведений и
студентов, преподавателей языковых вузов, а также лиц,
самостоятельно изучающих английский язык.
Методическая записка.
Введение. Военный перевод и его особенности. US Armed Forces. General Considerations.
The US Armed Forces — Defense Program Outline.
US Security Program Outline.
US National Security Structure.
US Armed Forces Personnel.
Recruiting and Training.
Grade and Rank.
Daily Routine.
Drill and Ceremonies.
Uniforms and Insignia. US Army Organization.
US Army Organization by Components.
Organization Headquarters, Department of the Army.
Organization by Branch.
US Army Organization by Units.
US Army Special Forces.
US Army Information Program. US Infantry.
Characteristics of US Infantry.
Reorganized Objective Army Division.
Division Base.
Mechanized Infantry and Infantry Divisions.
US Infantry Weapons. US Armor.
General Characteristics and Role of Armor in Mode Warfare.
Organization of US Armor.
Mode Tank Design and Characteristics.
Inteal Combustion Engine.
Conduct of Armor Operations.
Employment of Armor Units in Active and Nonactive Nuclear.
Warfare. US Artillery.
US Artillery General Characteristics
US Field Artillery. Characteristics and Classification.
US Air Defense Artillery. Characteristics and Classification.
US Field Artillery Organization.
US Artillery Materiel.
Tactical Employment of US Fieid Artillery. US Army Engineers.
General Missions and Classification of Engineer Units.
Divisional Engineer Units.
Nondivisional Engineer Combat Units.
Organization of Ground.
Infantry Entrenchments and Weapon Emplacements.
Obstacles. US Army Signals.
Signal Corps.
Means of Signal Communication.
Division Communication System.
Infrared Equipment. US Airboe Troops.
Airboe Operations.
Conduct of Airboe Operations. US Air Force.
Functions of US Air Force.
US Air Force Organization.
Aircraft Classification.
Types of Military Aircraft.
Aircraft Principal Structural Units.
Aircraft Armament Systems. US Navy.
Classification of Ships.
Aircraft Carries.
Nuclear-Powered Submarines. Air Defense.
SAGE and Active Antiaircraft Means. Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles.
Introduction to Guided Missiles.
The Design of a Guided M Missiles.
Guidance Systems.
Cosmic Warfare. Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Nuclear Weapons.
Energy Yield of a Nuclear Expöosion.
Nuclear Explosions.
Chemical Agents.
Biological Operations.
Radiological Operations.
Atomic and CBR Protection. Security in Mode Warfare.
Combat Security.
The ROAD Division Intelligence Support.
Division Agencies.
Electronics in Mode Warfare. Marches and Meeting Engagements.
Security on the March.
Meeting Engagement. Offence.
Purpose and Concept.
Deployment of Forces.
Forms of Maneuver.
Planning thettack.
Coordination and Control.
Conduct of the Attack. Defense.
Purpose and Forms of Defense.
Defensive Areas.
Planning the Defense.
Conduct of the Defense.
Battle under Special Conditions. Logistics in Mode Warfare.
US Army Logistics Supply System.
The US Army Administrative Support.
Classes of Supply.
The US ROAD Division Support Command. Map. and Aerial Photograph Reading.
Особенности военно-топографических карт CILIA.
Military Classification of Maps.
Marginal Information and Symbols.
Aerial Photograph. US Staff Organization and Procedure.
Некоторые особенности обработки и перевода боевых документов армии США.
Command and Staff.
US Staff Papers.
US Combat Orders.
Operation Orders.
Administrative Orders.
Annexes to Combat Orders.
Reports. Англо-русский словарь.
Словарь сокращений.
Методическая записка.
Введение. Военный перевод и его особенности. US Armed Forces. General Considerations.
The US Armed Forces — Defense Program Outline.
US Security Program Outline.
US National Security Structure.
US Armed Forces Personnel.
Recruiting and Training.
Grade and Rank.
Daily Routine.
Drill and Ceremonies.
Uniforms and Insignia. US Army Organization.
US Army Organization by Components.
Organization Headquarters, Department of the Army.
Organization by Branch.
US Army Organization by Units.
US Army Special Forces.
US Army Information Program. US Infantry.
Characteristics of US Infantry.
Reorganized Objective Army Division.
Division Base.
Mechanized Infantry and Infantry Divisions.
US Infantry Weapons. US Armor.
General Characteristics and Role of Armor in Mode Warfare.
Organization of US Armor.
Mode Tank Design and Characteristics.
Inteal Combustion Engine.
Conduct of Armor Operations.
Employment of Armor Units in Active and Nonactive Nuclear.
Warfare. US Artillery.
US Artillery General Characteristics
US Field Artillery. Characteristics and Classification.
US Air Defense Artillery. Characteristics and Classification.
US Field Artillery Organization.
US Artillery Materiel.
Tactical Employment of US Fieid Artillery. US Army Engineers.
General Missions and Classification of Engineer Units.
Divisional Engineer Units.
Nondivisional Engineer Combat Units.
Organization of Ground.
Infantry Entrenchments and Weapon Emplacements.
Obstacles. US Army Signals.
Signal Corps.
Means of Signal Communication.
Division Communication System.
Infrared Equipment. US Airboe Troops.
Airboe Operations.
Conduct of Airboe Operations. US Air Force.
Functions of US Air Force.
US Air Force Organization.
Aircraft Classification.
Types of Military Aircraft.
Aircraft Principal Structural Units.
Aircraft Armament Systems. US Navy.
Classification of Ships.
Aircraft Carries.
Nuclear-Powered Submarines. Air Defense.
SAGE and Active Antiaircraft Means. Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles.
Introduction to Guided Missiles.
The Design of a Guided M Missiles.
Guidance Systems.
Cosmic Warfare. Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Nuclear Weapons.
Energy Yield of a Nuclear Expöosion.
Nuclear Explosions.
Chemical Agents.
Biological Operations.
Radiological Operations.
Atomic and CBR Protection. Security in Mode Warfare.
Combat Security.
The ROAD Division Intelligence Support.
Division Agencies.
Electronics in Mode Warfare. Marches and Meeting Engagements.
Security on the March.
Meeting Engagement. Offence.
Purpose and Concept.
Deployment of Forces.
Forms of Maneuver.
Planning thettack.
Coordination and Control.
Conduct of the Attack. Defense.
Purpose and Forms of Defense.
Defensive Areas.
Planning the Defense.
Conduct of the Defense.
Battle under Special Conditions. Logistics in Mode Warfare.
US Army Logistics Supply System.
The US Army Administrative Support.
Classes of Supply.
The US ROAD Division Support Command. Map. and Aerial Photograph Reading.
Особенности военно-топографических карт CILIA.
Military Classification of Maps.
Marginal Information and Symbols.
Aerial Photograph. US Staff Organization and Procedure.
Некоторые особенности обработки и перевода боевых документов армии США.
Command and Staff.
US Staff Papers.
US Combat Orders.
Operation Orders.
Administrative Orders.
Annexes to Combat Orders.
Reports. Англо-русский словарь.
Словарь сокращений.