Bruxelles: Académie Royale des Sciences Coloniales, 1955. — 94 p.
Де Суберг Р. П. Л. Структуры родственных и групповых связей у
народа пенде в бельгийском Конго (на франц. яз.)
Table des matieres:
But et limites du travail.
Clans et nomenclature de parenté.
Unions préférentielles.
Les principes d'inspiration des unions préférentielles chez les Pende et autres peuples mentionnés, devant les hypotheses explicatives de Rattray et Lévi-Strauss. The Pende (ethnonym: Bapende) are an ethnic group found in the south-weste Democratic Republic of the Congo, also in the Kasai Occidental province around the diamond mines of Tshikapa, and especially in the Kwilu District. Their population is estimated to be around 250,000.
The Pende language is one of the Bantu languages. Pende are culturally close to the Yaka and Suku people that live in neighboring areas.
But et limites du travail.
Clans et nomenclature de parenté.
Unions préférentielles.
Les principes d'inspiration des unions préférentielles chez les Pende et autres peuples mentionnés, devant les hypotheses explicatives de Rattray et Lévi-Strauss. The Pende (ethnonym: Bapende) are an ethnic group found in the south-weste Democratic Republic of the Congo, also in the Kasai Occidental province around the diamond mines of Tshikapa, and especially in the Kwilu District. Their population is estimated to be around 250,000.
The Pende language is one of the Bantu languages. Pende are culturally close to the Yaka and Suku people that live in neighboring areas.