London: Tylston and Edwards, 1894. — 279 p.
Ричард Фрэнсис Бёртон (1821-1890) — британский путешественник,
писатель, поэт, переводчик, этнограф, лингвист. Прославился своими
исследованиями Азии и Африки, а также своим знанием различных
языков и культур.
Ten Days at Harar (Continued).
A Ride to Berberah.
Berberah and its Environs.
Postscript. Appendices.
Lieutenant Speke's Diary.
Grammatical Outline and Vocabulary of the Harari Language.
Lieutenant Hee's Meteorological Observations.
On Infibulation (omitted).
Account of Lieutenant Barker's Attempt to reach Harar.
A Ride to Berberah.
Berberah and its Environs.
Postscript. Appendices.
Lieutenant Speke's Diary.
Grammatical Outline and Vocabulary of the Harari Language.
Lieutenant Hee's Meteorological Observations.
On Infibulation (omitted).
Account of Lieutenant Barker's Attempt to reach Harar.