Экологические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 27 января 2011 г.
Bennet B.G. Chernobyl. Looking back to go forward
Inteational Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, 2008. - 260 р.

Proceedings of an Inteational conference on Cheobyl: Looking back to go forward
Organized by the Inteational Atomic Energy Agency on Behalf of the Cheobyl forum and held in Vienna, 6-7 September 2005.

Includes bibliographical references.

Cheobyl Nuclear Accident, Cheobyl, Ukraine, 1986.
Cheobyl Nuclear Accident, Cheobyl, Ukraine, 1986 — Environmental aspects.
Cheobyl Nuclear Accident, Cheobyl, Ukraine, 1986 — Health aspects.
Inteational Atomic Energy Agency.
Series : Proceedings series (Inteational Atomic Energy Agency).
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