Moscow: NAUKA, 2001. - 235 p.
ISBN: 5-02-022568-1
The monograph is dedicated to the fate of Cheobyl-bo radionuclides (I37-CS, 9O-Sr, 238-240-Pu, 106-Ru. l44-Ce, etc. ) in the central part of the East-European Plain. It is based primarily on the original materials obtained in the course of a 12-year study in the temperate forest environments contaminated due to the Chemobyl accident. The monitoring network from which the data have been obtained covers a distance of 3 to 550 km from the Chemobyl Power Plant and includes sites which received deposition of radionuclides ranging from 200 kBq m2 to 30 MBq m
2. The research was designed at the outset to examine the behaviour and fate of radionuclides in all basic ecosystem components (soils. soil solutions. herbaceous and arboreal vegetation, fungi, etc. ) at different levels (community, ecosystem, landscape, and climatic zone). The monograph considers in detail the role of forests in the initial distribution of the radioactive fallout and processes of the long-term radionuclide redistribution among forest soil and biota. The authors estimated the contribution of individual ecosystem components (including mycobiota) to the radionuclide transport in biogeocenoses and calculated the half-stay and quasi-equilibrium periods for the investigated radionuclides in various tree tissues, herbaceous plants. soil layers, and ecosystems.
The unique field data presented and discussed in the monograph will be interesting for anyone engaged in modelling and forecasting of the radiological impact of radio nuclide contamination on temperate forests. The abundance of factual material and quantitative parameter values makes this book an indispensable reference source on radionuclide migration and fate in forest environments.
The book includes 87 tables, 97 figures. and reference list of 357 sources.
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ISBN: 5-02-022568-1
The monograph is dedicated to the fate of Cheobyl-bo radionuclides (I37-CS, 9O-Sr, 238-240-Pu, 106-Ru. l44-Ce, etc. ) in the central part of the East-European Plain. It is based primarily on the original materials obtained in the course of a 12-year study in the temperate forest environments contaminated due to the Chemobyl accident. The monitoring network from which the data have been obtained covers a distance of 3 to 550 km from the Chemobyl Power Plant and includes sites which received deposition of radionuclides ranging from 200 kBq m2 to 30 MBq m
2. The research was designed at the outset to examine the behaviour and fate of radionuclides in all basic ecosystem components (soils. soil solutions. herbaceous and arboreal vegetation, fungi, etc. ) at different levels (community, ecosystem, landscape, and climatic zone). The monograph considers in detail the role of forests in the initial distribution of the radioactive fallout and processes of the long-term radionuclide redistribution among forest soil and biota. The authors estimated the contribution of individual ecosystem components (including mycobiota) to the radionuclide transport in biogeocenoses and calculated the half-stay and quasi-equilibrium periods for the investigated radionuclides in various tree tissues, herbaceous plants. soil layers, and ecosystems.
The unique field data presented and discussed in the monograph will be interesting for anyone engaged in modelling and forecasting of the radiological impact of radio nuclide contamination on temperate forests. The abundance of factual material and quantitative parameter values makes this book an indispensable reference source on radionuclide migration and fate in forest environments.
The book includes 87 tables, 97 figures. and reference list of 357 sources.
Публикуется с согласия автора.
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