Springer-Verlag, 1993. - 478 р.
These notes cover the material presented in 3 Introductory Lectures at the HERCULES course for European graduate students entitled "Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiabon for Condensed Matter Studies". This title of the course calls for an introduction where the similarities and differences between Neutron and X-ray studies are presented, and that is the overall aim of the Introductory lectures.
Neutron and X-ray methods can be applied in a very wide range of scientific disciplines from basic physics to materials science, from chemistry to biology. This makes the academic atmosphere around Large Facilities where the neutron and X-ray beams are generated very stimulating. It also means that the background of the students in the HERCULES course varies a great deal and I have tried to acknowledge this by keeping the exposition simple and instructive at the expense of accuracy and completeness
These notes cover the material presented in 3 Introductory Lectures at the HERCULES course for European graduate students entitled "Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiabon for Condensed Matter Studies". This title of the course calls for an introduction where the similarities and differences between Neutron and X-ray studies are presented, and that is the overall aim of the Introductory lectures.
Neutron and X-ray methods can be applied in a very wide range of scientific disciplines from basic physics to materials science, from chemistry to biology. This makes the academic atmosphere around Large Facilities where the neutron and X-ray beams are generated very stimulating. It also means that the background of the students in the HERCULES course varies a great deal and I have tried to acknowledge this by keeping the exposition simple and instructive at the expense of accuracy and completeness