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  • добавлен 01 апреля 2011 г.
Badescu V. (editor) Modeling Solar Radiation at the Earth's Surface
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, 535 pp.
Данные о солнечной радиации на уровне земли важны для многих практических приложений метеорологии и климатологии, солнечной энергетики, гидрологии, сельскохозяйственных наук (физика сельского хозяйства, моделирование урожайности и оценка посевных), а также в здравоохранении (ультрафиолет).
Solar radiation data at ground level are important for a wide range of applications in meteorology, engineering, agricultural sciences (particularly for soil physics, agricultural hydrology, crop modeling and estimating crop evapo-transpiration), as well as in the health sector and in research in many fields of the natural sciences.
Contents: Solar Radiation Measurement: Progress in Radiometry for Improved Modeling. Fractal Classification of Typical Meteorological Days from Global Solar Irradiance: Application to Five Sites of Different Climates. Modelling the Statistical Properties of Solar Radiation and Proposal of a Technique Based on Boltzmann Statistics. A Method for Determining the Solar Global and Defining the Diffuse and Beam Irradiation on a Clear Day. Recent Advances in the Relations between Bright Sunshine Hours and Solar Irradiation. Solar Irradiation Estimation Methods from Sunshine and Cloud Cover Data. Solar Irradiation via Air Temperature Data. Models of Diffuse Solar Fraction. Estimation of Surface Solar Radiation with Artificial Neural Networks. Dynamic Behavior of Solar Radiation. Time Series Modelling of Solar Radiation. A new Procedure to Generate Solar Radiation Time Series from Machine Leaing Theory. Use of Sunshine Number for Solar Irradiance Time Series Generation. The Meteorological Radiation Model (MRM): Advancements and Applications. Chain of Algorithms to Compute Hourly Radiation Data on Inclined Planes used in Meteonorm. Modelling UV-B Irradiance in Canada. Angular Distribution of Sky Diffuse Radiance and Luminance. Solar Radiation Derived from Satellite Images. Generation of Solar Radiation Maps from Long-Term Satellite Data. Validation and Ranking Methodologies for Solar Radiation Models. Index.
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