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  • добавлен 19 августа 2011 г.
Benestad R.E. Solar Activity and Earth's Climate
Second Edition, Springer Praxis Publishing, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2006, 349 pp. - ISBN-10 3-540-30620-X
I have in this second addition added a list of exercises and questions at the end of the book for testing whether the readers/students have read and understood a number of central issues in solar-terrestrial relations. Furthermore, the text has been updated with a list of 48 new publications on the solar-climate connection. However, I have not updated the book in terms of new findings on general solar physics, as the progress in the understanding of the solar interior doesn't have any direct consequence for the climate connection.

Solar observations
The physical properties of the Sun
Solar activity
Earth's climate
Solar activity and the stratosphere
Solar magnetism and Earth's climate
A review of solar-terrestrial studies
Solar activity and regional climate variations
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