Ibadan, Nigeria: Board Publications Limited, 1980. — 123 p.
Бабайеми С. О. Культ Эгунгун у народа йоруба (на англ. и йоруба
Introduction of Origin of Egungun.
Other Traditions of Origin and the development of Egungun cult.
The annual appearances of Egungun.
The Functions of Egungun.
Egungun Lineages.
Oriki Igbon.
Oriki Awon Ogbin.
Oriki awon Otukolo.
Introduction of Origin of Egungun.
Other Traditions of Origin and the development of Egungun cult.
The annual appearances of Egungun.
The Functions of Egungun.
Egungun Lineages.
Oriki Igbon.
Oriki Awon Ogbin.
Oriki awon Otukolo.