Для студентів 2 курсу денної форми навчання за напрямами підготовки
6.030504 – «Економіка підприємства», 6.030509 – «Облік і аудит» /
Харк. нац. акад. міськ. госп-ва;- Х.:
ХНАМГ, 2010. – 125 с.
These educational materials are designed for the students of the 2 course of speciality Economics of structural enterprises and Business accounting and Audit to develop their knowledge and skills in English language according to their profession.
The manual is based on the authentic texts conceing the economic problems. It also has the tasks for reading, translating, lexical and grammar tasks, texts for self-study. It has 15 units. Each unit contains:
- activities on vocabulary;
- activities on grammar.
The manual can be also recommended for students’ self-study. It is expected to teach students working at English texts on their own, to increase the level of their knowledge and to form foreign communicative competence.
ХНАМГ, 2010. – 125 с.
These educational materials are designed for the students of the 2 course of speciality Economics of structural enterprises and Business accounting and Audit to develop their knowledge and skills in English language according to their profession.
The manual is based on the authentic texts conceing the economic problems. It also has the tasks for reading, translating, lexical and grammar tasks, texts for self-study. It has 15 units. Each unit contains:
- activities on vocabulary;
- activities on grammar.
The manual can be also recommended for students’ self-study. It is expected to teach students working at English texts on their own, to increase the level of their knowledge and to form foreign communicative competence.