Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2010. - 458 p.
Второй том монографии по радиационной термометрии (пирометрии)
Industrial Applications of Radiation Thermometry
Experimental Characterization of Blackbody Radiation Sources
Radiation Thermometry in the Semiconductor Industry
Thermometry in Steel Production
Thermal Imaging in Firefighting and Thermography
Remote Sensing of the Earth's Surface Temperature
Infrared and Microwave Medical Thermometry
Fundamental and Other Physical Constants
Второй том монографии по радиационной термометрии (пирометрии)
Industrial Applications of Radiation Thermometry
Experimental Characterization of Blackbody Radiation Sources
Radiation Thermometry in the Semiconductor Industry
Thermometry in Steel Production
Thermal Imaging in Firefighting and Thermography
Remote Sensing of the Earth's Surface Temperature
Infrared and Microwave Medical Thermometry
Fundamental and Other Physical Constants