На английском языке. Статья опубликована в ж. The Electricity
Joual, 2004, April, P. 60-69.
The govement has entered another phase of power-sector reform by revamping the industry structure to increase competition, with the ultimate aim of creating a market based electricity system. But China still has a huge task ahead of it. Because it places a higher value on political and economic stability than economic efficiency, and because of its unfamiliarity with a market economy, the transition to a competitive market could span a decade or more.
The govement has entered another phase of power-sector reform by revamping the industry structure to increase competition, with the ultimate aim of creating a market based electricity system. But China still has a huge task ahead of it. Because it places a higher value on political and economic stability than economic efficiency, and because of its unfamiliarity with a market economy, the transition to a competitive market could span a decade or more.