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  • добавлен 17 мая 2011 г.
Williams S.R. Magnetic Phenomena. An Elementary Treatise
First Edition. New York and London: McGraw Hill Book Company Inc, 1931, 246 p.

I. Magneto-magnetics.
The magnetic field.
Forces in din, -, para-, and ferromagnetic media.
Magnetic induction.
Coercive force.
II. Magneto-mechanics.
Mechanical strains due to magnetic stresses:
Linear changes;
Circular changes;
Volume changes.
Magnetic strains due to mechanical stresses:
Linear changes;
Circular changes;
Volume changes.
Mechanical effects of one magnetic field on another.
III. Magneto-acoustics.
Production of sound by magnetization.
Influence of magnetism on periodicity.
Influence of vibrations on magnetism.
IV. Magneto-electrics.
Electro-magnetic phenomena.
Hall effect.
Ettingshausen effect.
Change in resistance due to a magnetic field.
Galvanomagnetic longitudinal temperature difference.
EMF due to magnetized condition.
EMF of a voltaic cell varied by a magnetic field.
Change in thermo-electric properties.
V. Magneto-thermics.
Nest effect.
Righi-Leduc effect.
Thermomagnetic longitudinal potential difference.
Thermomagnetic longitudinal temperature difference.
Influence of heat on magnetic phenomena.
Energy dissipation and development of heat in hysteresis.
Pyro- and piezomagnetism.
Change in boiling point and specific heat due to a magnetic field.
VI. Magneto-optics.
Faraday effect.
Kerr effect.
Zeemann effects.
Magnetic double refraction.
Effect of light on magnetism.
VII. Cosmical Magnetism.
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