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  • добавлен 13 апреля 2010 г.
Maxwell J.C. A treatise on Electricity and Magnetism Vol II
A treatise on Electricity and Magnetism by James Clerk Maxwell. Oxford, 1873
Максвелл Дж. К. Трактат об электричестве и магнетизме

Part iii. Magnetism
Elementary theory of magnetism
Magnetic force and magnetic induction
Particular forms of magnets
Induced magnetization
Magnetic pkoblems
Weber s theory of magnetic induction
Magnetic measurements
Terrestrial magnetism
Part iv. Electromagnetism
Electromagnetic force
Mutual action of electric currents
Induction of electric currents
Induction of a current on itself
General equations of dynamics
Application of dynamics to electromagnetism
Explobation of the field by means of the secondary circuit
General equations
Dimensions of electkic units
Energy and stress
Pakallel currents
Circular currents
Electromagnetic instruments
Electromagnetic observations
Electrical measurement of coefficients of induction
Determination of resistance in electromagnetic measure
Comparison of electrostatic with electromagnetic units
Electromagnetic theory of light
Magnetic action on light
Electric theoey of magnetism
Theories of action at a distance
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