tions. To circumvent the PKR-mediated block to viral proliferation influenza A virus in-
duces the cellular TPR-domains containing JDP p58
, which down-regulate PKR in an
Hsp70-dependent manner (Lee et al. 1990, 1992, 1994; Tang et al. 1996; Melville et al.
1997, 1999). In uninfected, unstressed cells p58
forms a complex with Hdj1 which is
proposed to be the inactive form of p58
(Melville et al. 1997, 1999). During influenza
A virus infection the amount of Hdj1 that co-precipitates with p58
first increases about
twofold and then decreases to zero. The Hsp70-mediated dissociation of the p58
complex is suggested to lead to an activation of p58
allowing the interaction,
monomerization and consequently inhibition of PKR (Melville et al. 1999). The exact
mechanism of this process, in particular why two J-domain containing proteins are in-
volved is not clear.
In summary, Hsp70 can be involved in viral gene expression at the level of transcrip-
tion initiation and transcription elongation. In addition, Hsp70 is instumentalized by virus-
es to circumvent the general translation block induced by double-stranded RNA and inter-
There is ample circumstantial evidence, based on “guilt by association”, that Hsp70 sys-
tems may also be involved in viral morphogenesis assisting folding of capsid monomers,
assembly of nucleocapsids, and facilitating folding of cytoplasmic of luminal domains of
envelope proteins (Choukhi et al. 1998; Liberman et al. 1999; Macejak and Luftig 1991).
Howerver, conclusive evidence that these interactions lead to higher yields of properly
folded capsids or envelope proteins and more efficient virion assembly is still missing for
most of the investigated viral model systems. A few more conclusive examples are de-
tailed here. Hsp70 was shown to interact with the capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3 of
polyomavirus. Expression of these proteins in a variety of systems including A31 mouse
fibroblasts, reticulocyte lysate, Sf9 insect cells, and E. coli leads to the formation of an
ATP-sensitive complex with Hsp70 proteins. During infection the capsid protein–Hsp70
complex is first detected in the cytoplasm and subsequently imported into the nucleus.
These observations prompted the speculation that Hsp70 assists folding of the capsid pro-
teins to an assembly competent state but prevents premature virion assembly until translo-
cation into the nucleus and genome replication have been completed (Cripe et al. 1995).
Chromy et al. demonstrated that purified VP1 and VP3 assembles in vitro into polymor-
phic higher oligomeric structures upon addition of unphysiological concentrations of Ca
(0.5 mM), while the addition of the prokaryotic DnaK or mammalian Hsc70, which bound
to the C terminus of VP1, inhibited the Ca
induced assembly. In contrast, the addition of
the complete prokaryotic DnaK, DnaJ, GrpE chaperone team assembled VP1 and VP3
into virion-like structures in an ATP-dependent but Ca
-independent process. The mam-
malian Hsc70 could also assemble correct icosahedral virion particles in an ATP-depen-
dent process when the SV40 large T antigen with a functional J-domain was present as its
JDP partner (Chromy et al. 2003).
In the positive-stranded RNA closteroviruses Hsp70, which in this case is virus encod-
ed as discussed in detail below, plays a different role in the assembly of the helical sym-
metric capsid. Genetic analysis demonstrated that deletion of the viral Hsp70, or muta-
tions that abrogated its ATPase activity, dramatically reduced the formation of full-length
virions (Satyanarayana et al. 2000). In a biochemical analysis of the filamentous virion
Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol (2005) 153:1–46 23