Foreword 3
Preface 5
Chapter 1. Neurological examination of an infant. The signs of
psychomotor development disorders 7
The first period (from birth up to 1 month) 7
The second period (1—3 months) 40
The third period (3—6 months) 65
The fourth period (6—9 months) 89
The fifth period (9—12 months) 102
Chapter 2. Evaluation of the psychomotor development levels.
(The chapter is written together with Dr. Elena D. Aingorn) . . . 115
Chapter 3. Developmental retardation 158
Chapter 4. The main neurological and psychopathological syndro-
mes in infants; their influence on psychomotor development. . . . 171
The syndrome of hyperirritability 171
The syndrome of hypoirritability 175
The hypertensive — hydrocephalic syndrome 176
Seizures 180
Cerebroasthenic syndrome 186
The syndrome of motor disturbancies 186
The syndrome of vegetative-visceral disfunctions 198
The syndrome of minimal brain disfunctions 199
The syndrome of inborn or early dementia 200
The neurological and psychopathological syndromes in somatic
deseases 202
Chapter 5. The possible reasons of developmental retardation. . . 205
Metabolic disturbances 205
Endocrine disturbances 226
Phacomaboses 228
Neuroinfections 232