those measures as inputs of the buyer. Although the models are nonlinear
programming problems, they can be solved as parametric linear
programming problems, and a best solution can be found using a heuristic
We point out that although the current chapter uses the concept of a
cooperative game, it does not try to examine whether the members of a
specific supply chain are behaving in a cooperative or non-cooperative
manner. This is a topic for further research. Specifically, the current chapter
is not an empirical one and we, therefore, do not pursue these opportunities.
Instead, a simple numerical example has been used to demonstrate the
theoretical contributions of the current chapter. Other useful theoretical
developments include the idea that one echelon can use knowledge about
another echelons (supplier or customer), to improve it own performance or
the mutual performance of the members. This is consistent with the theory
by games as it applies, for example, to the ‘bullwhip effect’ such as in the
earlier-referenced beer game.
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Cook et al, DEA Models for Supply Chain or Multi-Stage Structure