Редакторы и авторы выражают свою
признательность всем специалистам,
которые оказали неоценимую помощь
при подготовке этого тома:
Anthony Andrews, Sarasota, Florida; Michel
Antochiw, Merida, Mexico; Ferdinand An-
ton, Munich; Ronald L. Bishop, Washing-
ton, D. C; Benedicle Bouhours, Paris;
James Brady, American Embassy, Guate-
mala; Emile Deletaille, Brussels; David
Freidel, Dallas, Texas; Susan Giles, Bristol,
England; Ian Graham, Cambridge, Massachu-
Nikolai Grube, Bonn; Richard Han-
sen, Los Angeles; Angela Heartfield,
Nashivile, Tennessee; Christopher Jones, Uni-
versity Museum, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia; Justin Kerr, New York City;
Martha Labell, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
Stanley Loten, Ottawa; Mary Ellen Miller,
New Haven, Connecticut; Manfred
Muhlner, Dresden; Arturo Romano
Pacheco, Mexico City; Alessandro Pezzati,
Philadelphia; Dorie Reents-Budet, Durham,
North Carolina; Merle Greene Robertson,
San Francisco; Karl Taube, Riverside, Cali-
Ниже, с искренней благодарностью
авторов, приводится список источников,
из которых были взяты иллюстрации
для этого тома. Весь перечень
организован в три столбца, различные
источники в столбцах отмечены косой
Cover; Dumbarton Oaks Research Library
and Collections, Washington, D. C. Back-
ground Roberto Schezen, New York. End pa-
per: Art by Paul Breeden. 6: Kenneth
Garrett, Broad Run, Va. 8-13: Enrique
Franco Torrijos, courtesy Mr. and Mrs.
John Plunket. 16: Real Academia de la His-
toria, Madrid. 17: Luis Arenas, Archivo Gen-
eral de Indias, Seville, Spain. 18, 19: Luis
Arenas, Archivo General de Indias, Seville,
Spain; Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 20, 21:
Courtesy of The Edward E. Ayer Collec-
tion, The Newberry Library, Chicago— Bib-
liotheque Nationale, Paris. 22: Bibliotheque
Nationale, Paris. 23: Mireille Vautier, Paris,
Peabody Museum, Harvard University,
photographs by Le Plongeon; third photo
from left bottom row from Manly P. Hall
Collection at the Philosophical Research Soci-
ety, Los Angeles. 26: Courtesy Bristol Muse-
ums and Art Gallery, England. 27: National
Museums and Galleries on Merseyside/Collec-
tion Bristol Museums and Art Gallery, Eng-
land (3); Gianni Dagli Orti, Paris/National
Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. 28,
Archiv fur Kunst und Geschichle, Ber-
lin/Museo de America, Madrid. 30: Art by
Fred Holz; art by Time-Life Books, cour-
tesy The University Museum, University of
Pennsylvania. 31: Art by Time-Life Books,
courtesy Linda Scheie (first row down, 3);
art by Time-Life Books, courtesy The Uni-
versity Museum, University of Pennsylvania,
Courtesy Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov,
Doctor of Historical Science, Academy of
Science, U.S.S.R, 33: Peabody Museum,
Harvard University, photograph by Hillel Bur-
ger. 35: Neg. no. 330212, photo by Alfred
Maudslay, courtesy Department Library
Services, American Museum of Natural His-
tory, New York. 36, 37: Courtesy the Trus-
tees of the British Library, London. 38: Bib-
liotheque Nationale, Paris. 39: Courtesy the
Trustees of the British Library, London. 40,
Courtesy Peabody Museum, Harvard
University, photograph by T. Maler; Pe-
abody Museum, Harvard University, photo-
graph by T. Maler. 42, 43: Peabody
Museum, Harvard University, photographs
by Edward H. Thompson. 44, 45: Courtesy
the Trustees of the British Library, London;
Peabody Museum, Harvard University. 46:
Norman Hammond, Boston University. 48:
Norman I lammond, Boston University—Low-
ell Georgia. 50, 51: ©Martha Cooper/Peter
Arnold, Inc. 52: Lowell Georgia—Eberhard
Thiem, Lotos Film, Kaufbeuren/Department
of Archaeology, Belmopan, Belize. 53:
©Martha Cooper/Peter Arnold, Inc. 54:
Bob Greenlee, Bend, Oreg. 55: Mary Eliza-
beth Chambers. 56: ©Justin Kerr, New
York. 58, 59: Courtesy Richard Hansen.
61: Eberhard Thiern, Lotos Film,
beuren/Instituto Hondureno de Aniropologia
e I listoria, Copan—Peter 1. Furst, Devon,
Pa. 62: William M. Ferguson, Durango,
63: James F. Garber, Southwest
Texas State University, courtesy David A.
Freidel, Dallas. 64: Art by Stephen R.
Wagner. 65: ©Martha Cooper/Peter Arnold,
66: ©Justin Kerr, New York; Lowell
Georgia. 67: ©Justin Kerr, New York. 68,
©Justin Kerr, New York, except bottom
left, drawing by Michael D. Сое, courtesy
The Grolier Club of New York. 71: Enri-
que Franco Torrijos/Museo Sylvanus G.
Morley, Parque National 1 ikal, Guatemala.
Mary Elizabeth Chambers. 74, 75: Enri-
que Franco Torrijos—William M. Ferguson,
Durango, Colo; drawing by Stanley Loten,
Ottawa, Ont. 76, 77: William M. Fer-
guson, Durango, Colo; J. & P. VanKirk,
Nobleton, Па.—drawing by Stanley Loten,
Ottawa, Ont. 78, 79: Kenneth Garrett,
Broad Run, Va.; art by Stephen R. Wag-
ner; Kevin Schafer/ALLSTOCK, Seattle.
William L. Fash, DeKalb, HI. 82:
©David Alan Harvey/Woodh'n Camp, Inc.
Robert Frerck/Odyssey productions, Chi-
cago—Tony Morrison/South American Pic-
Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. 84:
Merle Greene Robertson, copyright 1976.
Gianni Dagli Orli, Paris/National Mu-
seum of Anthropology, Mexico City. 86:
Dr. Arturo Romano Pacheco. 87: Werner
Forman Archive, London/National Museum
of Anthropology, Mexico City 88, 89: The
University Museum, University of Pennsylva-
nia (neg. no. T4-206c3). 90: Kenneth Gar-
rett, Broad Run, Va. 92: Peabody
Museum, Harvard University, photograph by
Hillel Burger. 94: Peabody Museum, Har-
vard University; ©Richard Alexander Cooke
95: Reflejo/Susan Griggs Agency, Lon-
don. 96, 97: Kenneth Garrett, Broad Run,
Va. 98, 99: William L. Fash, DeKalb, III.
©Richard Alexander Cooke III. 101:
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 102, 103: Wil-
liam L. Fash, DeKalb, III. 104: James E.
Brady/Petexbatun Regional Cave Survey,
Guatemala. 107: Dallas Museum of Art, J.
Н. Henderson Memorial Fund; Dallas
Museum of Art, gift of Alfred Stendahl.
109: ©Justin Kerr, New York. 110,
©Justin Kerr, New York; Lee Boltin,
Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y.; ©Justin Kerr,
New York. 112-117: ©Justin Kerr, New
York. 118: Peabody Museum, Harvard Uni-
versity, photograph by Hillel Burger. 120: Pe-
abody Museum, Harvard University,
photograph by Hillel Burger/drawing by Dr.
Tatiana Proskounakoff. 121: J- & P.
VanKirk, Nobleton, Fla. 122: Peabody Mu-
seum, Harvard University. 123: Peabody Mu-
seum, Harvard University, photograph by A.
Tozzer. 124: Peabody Museum, Harvard
University, photograph by Hillel Burger. 125:
From The Well of Sacrifice, by Donald Edi-
ger, Doubleday & Co., Garden City, N.
Y.. 1971, ©1971 Expeditions Unlimited, Inc.
129: Peabody Museum, Harvard Uni-
versity, photograph by Hillel Burger. 130,
Background ©1992 Gary Braasch, Port-
land, Oreg. From Codex DresJensis, Sachsis-