April 2, 2007 14:42 World Scientific Review Volume - 9in x 6in Main˙WorldSc˙IPR˙SAB
190 Synthesis and Analysis in Biometrics
where stands for the Fourier transform and
for its inverse. This
applies equally to the energy field which we will presently describe. The
usual care must be taken to ensure that dimensions of the unit sample
force field are twice those of the image dimensions and that sufficient zero
padding is used to avoid aliasing effects.
The code for this calculation in Mathcad is shown in Appendix Fig. A.1,
and it is hoped that users of other languages will easily be able to convert
this to their own requirements.
7.3.2. The Energy Transform for an Ear Image
There is a scalar potential energy field associated with the vector force field
where the two fields are related by the well-known equation
F(r)=−grad(E(r)) = ∇E(r) (7.3)
This equation tells us that the force at a given point is equal to the
additive inverse of the gradient of the potential energy field at that point.
This simple relationship allows the force field to be easily calculated by
differentiating the energy field and allows some conclusions drawn about
one field to be extended to the other.
We can restate the force field formulation in energy terms to derive
the energy field equations directly as follows. The image is transformed
by treating the pixels as an array of particles that act as the source of a
Gaussian potential energy field. It is assumed that there is a spherically
symmetrical potential energy field generated by each pixel, so that E(r
the total potential energy imparted to a pixel of unit intensity at the pixel
location with position vector r
by the energy fields of remote pixels with
position vectors r
and pixel intensities P (r
), and is given by the scalar
P (r
, ∀ i = j;
0, ∀ i = j.
where the units of pixel intensity, energy, and distance are arbitrary, as
are the co-ordinates of the origin of the field. Figure 7.4 show the scalar
potential energy field of an isolated test pixel.
To calculate the energy field for the entire image Eq. (7.4) should be
applied at every pixel position. The result of this process for the energy
transform for an ear image is shown in Fig. 7.5, where the same surface has
been depicted from a variety of different perspectives below the lobe.
The potential surface undulates, forming local peaks or maxima, with
ridges leading into them. These peaks we call potential energy wells since,