130 Chapter 9. Vectors
Figure 9.9: Friction coefficient.
reaches a c ritical angle θ = φ such that the block is just able to slip, φ
is the angle of friction.
In most applications, we are mo re concerned with the shear s tress
τ and the normal stress σ. In order for a blo ck to slip, the shear
stress along the slip surface must be at least equal to σ tan φ. That is
τ = σ tan φ.
In reality, ther e is some c ohesion between the two contact surfaces
(similar to putting some glue between the sur faces). Let S be the
cohesion per unit area. The blo ck will only slip if the shear stress is
greater than the combined resistance of the friction stress σ tan φ and
the cohesion. That is
τ ≥ S + σ tan φ. (9.48)
The equality is the well-known Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion for the
failure in soil and porous materials.
= S + σ tan φ, (9.49)
where τ
is the critical s hear stre ss or failure shear stress. In this case,
the angle φ is called the angle of friction or friction angle. The detailed
derivations of this criterion require the use of stress tensor and Mohr’s
circle; however, the introduction here is a very crude way to show how
it works. For example, if the block is a soil block (or a fault), the slip
movement will cause cr acks and failure in soils (or crust). The failure
is called a shear failure, and the slip plane is called the failure plane.
Failure will occur if the slope θ is steeper than φ, i.e., θ > φ.
The cohesion stress is usua lly very small compared with the normal
stress level. For example, for limestones, we have τ
= 10+0.85σ(MPa),
which suggests a friction ang le φ = tan
0.85 ≈ 40
. For most granular
materials and in most applications in earth sciences, S = 0 is a good
approximation. So we have τ = σ tan φ. In the case of a wet block or
the presence of pore fluids or water, we have a modified criterion
τ = (σ − p) tan φ = (1 − λ)σ tan φ, (9.50)
where p is the pore pressure and λ = p/σ is a ratio describing the effect
of pore pressure on the failure.