Biometric recognition is one of the most widely studied problems in computer science.
The use of biometrics techniques, such as face, fingerprints, iris, ears, is a solution for
obtaining a secure personal identification. However, the “old” biometrics
identification techniques are out of date.
The goal of this book is to provide the reader with the most up to date research
performed in biometric recognition and to describe some novel methods of biometrics,
emphasis on the state of the art skills.
The book consists of 15 chapters, each focusing on a most up to date issue. The
chapters are divided into five sections- fingerprint recognition, face recognition, iris
recognition, other biometrics and biometrics security. Section 1 collects five chapters
on fingerprint recognition. Chapter 1 provides an effective fingerprint quality
estimation approach in consideration of feature analysis for fingerprint quality
estimation. In Chapter 2 the authors propose a novel hybrid shape and orientation
descriptor that is designed for fingerprint matching. Chapter 3 gives a combined
software-hardware approach to defeat fingerprint spoofing attack, and two methods
are presented based on analyzing different optical properties by using optical
coherence tomography (OCT) technology and the spectral analysis. In Chapter 4 the
authors describe an optical information processing system for biometric authentication
using the optical spatial-frequency correlation (OSC) system for the biometric
authentication. Chapter 5 demonstrates that the concept of secondary fingerprint
classification is feasible and consistent, and uses it to build an additional component
into a fingerprint classification.
In the section 2 of face recognition, Chapter 6 gives a novel illumination normalization
method simulating the performance of retina by combining two adaptive nonlinear
functions, a difference of Gaussian filter and a truncation. In Chapter 7 the authors
present a novel method of handling the variation caused by lip motion during speech
by using temporal synchronization and normalization based on lip motion. Section 3 is
a group of iris recognition articles, Chapter 8 presents an iris recognition system based
on Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features extraction and selection from multiple images,
in which stable features are selected to describe the iris identity while the unreliable
feature points are labeled in enrolment template. In Chapter 9 a comprehensive